The New Social Distancing World and Why Sex Dolls are Becoming Essential Are you practicing social distancing? How about depression and anxiety? How are you holding up? The coronavirus has disrupted every aspect of...
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Are sex dolls real? There’s no doubt that the Coronavirus has completely shaped our way of life. In fact, the focus is now shifting on adapting new measures to safely live the...
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Owning a sex doll has never been easier than in 2020. Initially, there was a form of stigma associated with the topic and having sex with one was considered taboo. However, things have changed and there is more information available on sex dolls. The people have also become...
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2020 New Year Resolutions Finally, it’s that time of the year when everyone is assembling a special list of things they wish to have accomplished a time like this next year. Of course, before compiling a new list for the subsequ...
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Transsexuals; Sexual Attraction to Transgender People and Shemale sex dolls From time immemorial, people defying the conventional gender roles have always existed in every culture in the society. And thoug...
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Why you don't need to be alone this coming holidays and how a doll can put a smile in your face this coming Xmas Tony, an old customer shares his experience about how he spent the last holidays with his sex doll <...
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For the first time, you can customize your sex doll with blue and green skin colors to make it look like an alien sex doll! Many customers send us emails asking about building fantasy dolls, cosplay designs, anime and whatever y...
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Only buy from trusted and authorized vendors The advent of the internet is described by many as the biggest revolution in the world. Not only has it enhanced convenience in how people share and receive information, but online sh...
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So, how do you go about finding your dream doll?
Updated February 22 of 2019 to introduce the new YL 158cm Booty-Wooty
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Reviewing the Hottest Black Sex Dolls Black sex dolls are an important category in our rich collection of realistic sex dolls as they bring out the best in the stylish African-American women. We’ve partnered with some of the best sex doll companies to provide you w...
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